A versatile, reusable base texture for creating irregular plating effects.
The texture/node group also comes with some example files in both Eevee and Cycles.
In the past it has been difficult to find a procedural texture that can create effective plating patterns.
We have therefore created our own Blender node group with a set of sample files to get you started, such as:
- A Borg cube using cycles displacement:
- Basic city using cycles displacement:
- Other simple examples
As a Blender Node Group it can be installed as part of Blender whenever you create a new project.
- We have added a new 'size' parameter to the node so you can quickly change the size of the texture without having to alter the vector input
Compatible with our other addons such as the Plating Generator, Bevelled Extrude and Window Generator
Questions, comments, suggestions?
If there are any issues or questions do not hesitate to contact us via info@configurate.net or via Twitter at https://twitter.com/markkingsnorth
Praise for the Blender Hull Texture And Examples:
"Just looks great... I only bought it out of curiosity to maybe feature on my new blender plugin site... BTW: Works perfect on spheres too" Richard Klingler
"Awesome thanks!" Joe
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